Calling Parents and Teachers!

This is a GREAT sale and site to check out: offers amazing low prices on educational items to help children thrive and excel in their studies. And right now they have an awesome deal for you! You can enjoy free shipping and 10 percent off your order on TOP of their low prices! Just use Promo Code “WINTER01” at checkout and save on nearly everything in the store. While you are at the site don’t forget they have an overstock area that has items at 60 percent off cost. What better way for us as parents to save even more money then this! Click HERE to get this now!


Just want to say a quick welcome. Thank you for joining our family on this new adventure. Our goal is to help people realize that no matter what your difficulties in life you can succeed at couponing and deal savings. Another goal is to help families find good deals on homeschooling or extra curriculum needs. Our third goal we wish to accomplish here is to help raise awareness for invisible illness’ through advocacy and learning tolerance. I hope you enjoy the blog and if ever you have a question feel free to contact me.