Tasty Tuesday

After the hiatus last week, I am bringing you a simple recipe that is fun to cook and YUMMY to eat. The allergens that are NOT avoided are gluten and dairy (depending on what product brand you use). It is egg nut and seafood free the way I make it.


Cream of Mushroom Chops


4 decent size pork chops

2 regular size cans of Campbell (brand I use due to my coupon stocks) cream of mushroom soup

2 boxes of Pasta Roni (only one egg free) Angel Hair Pasta with Herbs or half Package of Rice Noodles


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Skillet fry the chops a nice brown color be careful not to over cook. Layer them in a glass oven safe dish covering and coating with the soup. Cook them in the oven for about 30 minutes or until soup starts bubbling. Presto Dinner is done! Now for a little extra crunch I love to add some French Fried Onions on top right before serving but that is optional.


Now you might be asking what about the pasta. Cook the pasta according to the box or if it is rice noodles boil your water and let the noodles sit for about 8 minutes or however long the package states as they can and do vary.


To serve I usually place pasta on the plate with the chop on it and covering it in sauce. Always a hit even with my picky child who doesn’t eat vegetables!



Tasty Tuesday

Here I come again with your yummy recipe for the week…


This week’s recipe is versatile and very allergen free. You can add or subtract to it to your heart’s content. My kids and I make this together and I must say it was quite yummy!! In case you didn’t know, I am Cajun so measuring doesn’t really happen!


Sausage & Potato Bake


1 1/2 lbs of Smoked Sausage (whatever flavor you choose really)

4 lg Russet Potatoes

2 good size sweet onions

A lil Tony Zachery’s

Salt n Pepper

Olive Oil


Now I did all the chopping and really I am not a picky person so I just cut them to what I thought was good size. I had kids mix up the first 4 ingredients in a bottle with just enough olive oil to coat it and make it look shiny. I coated the bottom of a nice size glass dish with some olive oil while the oven was preheating to 400 degrees. Now I didn’t have any aluminum foil this time but it works a lot better when ya do! I cook it for about 40-45 minutes and VOILA dinner is served! Yummmmy!

Now as I said this is versatile. You can switch it up and add what veggies you like or seasonings just be creative and fun. I love to involve the boys in all cooking adventures (except knives and ovens of course) because they get a school lesson without knowing it 😉


Extra Hint after I cook it I do add a lil butter to my taters which I think is like adding icing to a cake! I hope your family enjoys this recipe as much as ours does!

This is a picture of what was leftover after 3 people ate! Even my youngest who HATES vegetables at least tries them in this recipe 🙂