Tips To Save with Challenges

These are some tips we have learned to overcome the challenges we face.


Know your stores. 

1.) A lot of stores offer accommodations for shopping up to having someone shop with you for the entire duration and loading your cart.

2.) Call your stores and ask them their coupon policies and their slow shopping times. Slow shopping times make it easier so you don’t feel like you are in a rush or in the way. Also this is a benefit if you have a child or adult with Sensory issues. Avoiding crowds can give a much more peaceful shopping experience.

3.) Let your stores know that you have special needs and will need help. Any stores I have worked with with very few exceptions are grateful to have the heads-up.


Give yourself time.


1.) Plan yourself out.

2.) If writing is painful, type up your list or circle the pictures in the ads that you are matching and come up with a system that is comfortable for you. I circle the ad and mark a big C next to the ad that has a coupon and I mark how many.

3.) If scissors are painful (I get them stuck because my hands seize) there are great tools out there called coupon cutters that are simpler and helpful.



1.)Always bring distractions for kids snacks and juice pouches. I get the stickers from the store when I get there to show I brought in the items and that way there is no mass confusion.

2.) Bring water and supplement snacks for YOURSELF!

3.) Remember Rome was not built in a day, it takes time to learn how to save a lot. But with each block you do, you will get a little bit better.

4.) If you have temperature issues like me, don’t forget a light jacket or sweater! The freezer section can ruin an entire trip, I promise you this.

5.) Try to have help ready at home when you get there to unload and put up groceries.


Each little thing you can do can add up to more savings and more time and money!

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