Internet Blackout

Not very often will I come here with political issues but I have to at this time. At midnight tonight 7,000 sites so far are going to shut down as a protest to the US government threatening to pass two laws – SOPA and PIPA. WordPress is one of those which is what I am typing on right now! So tomorrow there will be no postings as we will be blacked-out. I am going to try to give you a little detail as to what these two laws are detailing and how they can affect you….


Have you ever posted a song on youtube that you covered? This could be considered piracy..


Have you ever paraphrased a story in your newsfeed on FaceBook? This could be considered plagarism…


Here are two examples of what they are trying to do to our Free Speech on the Internet. There are many things we can do to stop this but we are running out of time. As I said tomorrow is black-out day and many sites are joining in on that  and can be seen here Please speak up and out and tell them they have NO RIGHT to take away our internet freedoms! Information on both of these bills can be found :

So I shall see y’all today but not tomorrow and be back on Thursday! Be safe and be kind 🙂

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